Busca - nintendo
Consoles (81)
- NES Classic Edition
- New Nintendo 3DS / 2DS
- Nintendo 2DS - Conjunto com o jogo Super Mario M
- Nintendo 3DS / 2DS
- Nintendo 64
- Nintendo 64 Toys'R'Us Limited Edition
- Nintendo 64DD (acessório)
- Nintendo 64DD Randnet Complete Delivery Bundle
- Nintendo 64DD Randnet Delivery Bundle
- Nintendo 64DD Randnet Starter Kit Console
- Nintendo 64DD Retail Console
- Nintendo Color TV Game 15
- Nintendo Color TV Game 6
- Nintendo Color TV Game Block Kuzushi
- Nintendo Color TV Game Racing 112
- Nintendo DS
- Nintendo DS com Metroid Prime Hunters: First Hun
- Nintendo DS Lite
- Nintendo DSi
- Nintendo DSi - conjunto com Kung Fu Panda 2
- Nintendo DSi - conjunto com Mario & Luigi
- Nintendo DSi 100%Jeux Console
- Nintendo DSi 25th Anniversary
- Nintendo DSi Alice Im Wunderland Console
- Nintendo DSi Amtrak Console
- Nintendo DSi Azul
- Nintendo DSi Azul Escuro
- Nintendo DSi Azul eShop 1000 Points Console
- Nintendo DSi Azul Matte
- Nintendo DSi Azul Metálico
- Nintendo DSi Brain Age Collection
- Nintendo DSi Branco
- Nintendo DSi Branco Coca Cola Console
- Nintendo DSi Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Ec
- Nintendo DSi Gyakuten Kenji Premium Edition Cons
- Nintendo DSi Hana To Yume Console
- Nintendo DSi IGN Console
- Nintendo DSi Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days edition
- Nintendo DSi Laranja Metálico
- Nintendo DSi MapleStory Console
- Nintendo DSi Mc Donald's Console
- Nintendo DSi Pokemon Black
- Nintendo DSi Pokemon Championship 2009 Console
- Nintendo DSI Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers o
- Nintendo DSi Pokemon White
- Nintendo DSi Preto
- Nintendo DSi Preto eShop 1000 Points Console
- Nintendo DSi Rosa
- Nintendo DSi SaGa 2: Hihou Densetsu - Goddess of
- Nintendo DSi Style Boutique Limited Edition Pack
- Nintendo DSi Super Scribblenauts Console
- Nintendo DSi Verde Limão
- Nintendo DSi Verde Metálico
- Nintendo DSi Vermelho
- Nintendo DSi Vermelho Matte
- Nintendo DSi Young Animal Consoles
- Nintendo e-Reader (acessório)
- Nintendo Entertainment System - NES
- Nintendo Famicom Disk System (acessório)
- Nintendo Game & Watch - The Legend of Zelda
- Nintendo Game Boy
- Nintendo Game Boy Advance
- Nintendo Game Boy Advance + Super Mario World: S
- Nintendo Game Boy Advance SP
- Nintendo Game Boy Color
- Nintendo GameCube
- Nintendo New-Style NES
- Nintendo New-Style Super NES
- Nintendo Satellaview (acessório)
- Nintendo Switch
- Nintendo Switch Monster Hunter Rise Edition
- Nintendo Switch Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Editi
- Nintendo Switch: Mario Tennis Aces Edition
- Nintendo Virtual Boy
- Nintendo Wii
- Nintendo Wii U
- Nintendo Wii U Deluxe Set: Super Mario Maker
- Nintendo Wii U Premium Set: Super Mario Maker
- Super Famicom Box
- Super Nintendo
- Super Nintendo Super Pack com Super Mario World
Jogos (762)
- 1-2-Switch (Nintendo Switch)
- 10-Yard Fight (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- 1080º Avalanche (Nintendo GameCube)
- 1080º Snowboarding (Nintendo 64)
- 3D Classics: Excitebike (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- 4 Nin Uchi Mahjong (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Advance Wars (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- Advance Wars: Days of Ruin (Nintendo DS)
- Advance Wars: Dual Strike (Nintendo DS)
- Adventures of Lolo (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Adventures of Lolo (Nintendo Wii U)
- Adventures of Lolo (Nintendo Wii)
- Adventures of Lolo (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Air Hockey (Nintendo e-Reader (acessório))
- All Japan Super Bombliss Cup '95 (Nintendo Satellaview (acessório))
- All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo Famicom Disk System (acessório))
- America's Test Kitchen: Let's Get Cooking (Nintendo DS)
- Amiibo Tap: Nintendo's Greatest Bits (Nintendo Wii U)
- Animal Crossing (Nintendo GameCube)
- Animal Crossing Card Pack (Nintendo e-Reader (acessório))
- Animal Crossing Card Pack 2 (Nintendo e-Reader (acessório))
- Animal Crossing Card Pack 3 (Nintendo e-Reader (acessório))
- Animal Crossing Card Pack 4 (Nintendo e-Reader (acessório))
- Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival (Nintendo Wii U)
- Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Nintendo Switch)
- Animal Crossing: New Leaf (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Animal Crossing: Wild World (Nintendo DS)
- Anticipation (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Arcade Archives: Vs. Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo Switch)
- Arcade Classic 3 Galaga / Galaxian (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Arcade Classic No. 1: Asteroids / Missile Comman (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Arcade Classic No. 2: Centipede / Millipede (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Arcade Classic No. 4: Defender / Joust (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Arkanoid: Doh It Again (Super Nintendo)
- Arkanoid: Doh It Again (Nintendo Satellaview (acessório))
- ARMS (Nintendo Switch)
- Backgammon (Nintendo Famicom Disk System (acessório))
- Balloon Fight (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Balloon Fight (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Balloon Fight (Nintendo e-Reader (acessório))
- Balloon Fight GB (Nintendo Game Boy Color)
- Banjo-Kazooie (Nintendo 64)
- Banjo-Tooie (Nintendo 64)
- Barker Bill's Trick Shooting (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Baseball (Nintendo e-Reader (acessório))
- Baseball (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Baseball (Nintendo Famicom Disk System (acessório))
- Baseball (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Baten Kaitos: Origins (Nintendo GameCube)
- Battalion Wars (Nintendo GameCube)
- Battalion Wars 2 (Nintendo Wii)
- Battle Arena Toshinden (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Battle Clash (Super Nintendo)
- Battletoads & Double Dragon (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Battletoads in Battlemaniacs (Super Nintendo)
- Battletoads in Ragnarok's World (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Bayonetta + Bayonetta 2 (Nintendo Switch)
- Bayonetta 2 (Nintendo Switch)
- Bayonetta 2 (Nintendo Wii U)
- Bayonetta 2 + Bayonetta (Nintendo Wii U)
- Big Brain Academy (Nintendo DS)
- Blast Corps (Nintendo 64)
- Block Kuzushi (Nintendo Color TV Game Block Kuzushi)
- Bomberman 64 (Nintendo 64)
- Bomberman Hero (Nintendo 64)
- Boulder Dash (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Brain Age 2: More Training in Minutes a Day (Nintendo DS)
- Brain Age Express: Arts & Letters (Nintendo DSi)
- Brain Age Express: Math (Nintendo DSi)
- Brain Age Express: Sudoku (Nintendo DSi)
- Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day! (Nintendo DS)
- Bravely Default (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- BS Fire Emblem: Akaneia Senki (Nintendo Satellaview (acessório))
- Burai Fighter (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Burai Fighter Deluxe (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Capcom's Soccer Shootout (Super Nintendo)
- Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (Nintendo Wii U)
- Chibi-Robo! (Nintendo GameCube)
- Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Children of Mana (Nintendo DS)
- Chris Evert & Ivan Lendl in Top Players' Tennis (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Classic NES Series: Excitebike (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- Clu Clu Land (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Clu Clu Land (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Clu Clu Land (Nintendo Famicom Disk System (acessório))
- Clu Clu Land (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- Clu Clu Land (Nintendo Switch)
- Clu Clu Land (Nintendo Wii)
- Clu Clu Land (Nintendo e-Reader (acessório))
- Clu Clu Land (Nintendo Wii U)
- Clubhouse Games Express: Card Classics (Nintendo DSi)
- Cobra Triangle (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Command & Conquer (Nintendo 64)
- Conker's Bad Fur Day (Nintendo 64)
- Crosswords Plus (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Cruis'n USA (Nintendo 64)
- Cruis'n USA - Players Choice (Nintendo 64)
- Cruis'n World (Nintendo 64)
- Custom Robo (Nintendo GameCube)
- Custom Robo (Nintendo 64)
- Custom Robo V2 (Nintendo 64)
- Custom Robo V2 (Nintendo Wii)
- Custom Robo V2 (Nintendo Wii U)
- Cybernoid: The Fighting Machine (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Dance Aerobics (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix (Nintendo GameCube)
- Densetsu no Quiz Ou Ketteisen (Nintendo GameCube)
- Detective Pikachu (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Devil World (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Devil's Third (Nintendo Wii U)
- Diddy Kong Racing (Nintendo 64)
- Dinosaur Planet (cancelado) (Nintendo 64)
- Donkey Kong (Atari 2600) NOVO
- Donkey Kong (Arcade)
- Donkey Kong (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Donkey Kong (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Donkey Kong (Atari 7800)
- Donkey Kong (Nintendo e-Reader (acessório))
- Donkey Kong - Player's Choice (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Donkey Kong 3 (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Donkey Kong 3 (Nintendo e-Reader (acessório))
- Donkey Kong Classics (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Donkey Kong Country (Super Nintendo)
- Donkey Kong Country (Nintendo Switch)
- Donkey Kong Country (New Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest (Super Nintendo)
- Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest (Nintendo Switch)
- Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest (New Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Troub (Super Nintendo)
- Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Troub (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Troub (New Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Donkey Kong Country Returns (Nintendo Wii)
- Donkey Kong Country Returns (Nintendo Wii U)
- Donkey Kong Country Returns (Nintendo Selects) (Nintendo Wii)
- Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D (Nintendo Selects (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (Nintendo Wii U)
- Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (Nintendo Switch)
- Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (Nintendo S (Nintendo Wii U)
- Donkey Kong Jr. (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Donkey Kong Jr. (Nintendo e-Reader (acessório))
- Donkey Kong Jr. (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Donkey Kong Jr. Math (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Donkey Kong Junior (Atari 2600)
- Donkey Kong Junior (Atari 7800)
- Donkey Kong Land (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Donkey Kong Land 2 (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat (Nintendo GameCube)
- Donkey Konga (Nintendo GameCube)
- Donkey Konga 2 (Nintendo GameCube)
- Donkey Konga 3 (Nintendo GameCube)
- Doshin the Giant (Nintendo GameCube)
- Double Dragon (Nintendo Game Boy) NOVO
- Double Dragon (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Doubutsu no Mori (Nintendo 64)
- Doubutsu no Mori (Controller Pack) (Nintendo 64)
- Dr. Mario (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Dr. Mario (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Dr. Mario 64 (Nintendo 64)
- Dr. Mario Express (Nintendo DSi)
- Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Dragon Warrior (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Dragon Warrior III (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Duck Hunt (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Dynasty Warriors Advance (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- EarthBound (Super Nintendo)
- Earthbound (Nintendo Wii U)
- EarthBound (New Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Echo Delta (proto) (Nintendo 64)
- Electroplankton (Nintendo DS)
- Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem (Nintendo GameCube)
- Excitebike (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Excitebike (Nintendo Wii)
- Excitebike (Nintendo Wii U)
- Excitebike (Nintendo e-Reader (acessório))
- Excitebike 64 (Nintendo 64)
- F-1 Race (Nintendo Game Boy)
- F-1 Race - Player's Choice (Nintendo Game Boy)
- F-Zero (Super Nintendo)
- F-Zero (New Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- F-Zero - Player's Choice (Super Nintendo)
- F-Zero GX (Nintendo GameCube)
- F-Zero X (Nintendo 64)
- F-Zero X (Nintendo Wii)
- F-Zero X: Expansion Kit (Nintendo 64DD (acessório))
- F-Zero: GP Legend (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- F-Zero: Maximum Velocity (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- F1 Race (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Face Training (Nintendo DSi)
- Famicom Grand Prix II: 3D Hot Rally (Nintendo Famicom Disk System (acessório))
- Famicom Grand Prix: F1 Race (Nintendo Famicom Disk System (acessório))
- Famicom Mini: Famicom Mukashi Banashi - Shin Oni (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- Famicom Mini: Famicom Tantei Club Part II - Ushi (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- Famicom Mini: Star Soldier (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- Famicom Mini: Super Mario Bros. 2 (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- Famicom Mini: TwinBee (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- Famicom Mukashi Banashi: Shin Onigashima - Kouhe (Nintendo Famicom Disk System (acessório))
- Famicom Mukashi Banashi: Shin Onigashima - Zenpe (Nintendo Famicom Disk System (acessório))
- Famicom Wars (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Family Basic (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Family Basic V3 (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Fantasy Life (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Faxanadu (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Final Fantasy (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (Nintendo GameCube)
- Final Fantasy I & II (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- Final Fantasy IV Advance (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- Final Fantasy VI Advance (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- Fire Emblem Gaiden (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Fire Emblem: Ankoku Ryu to Hikari no Tsurugi (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Fire Emblem: Awakening (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (Nintendo GameCube)
- Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon (Nintendo DS)
- Fire Emblem: Shin Monshou no Nazo - Hikari to Ka (Nintendo DS)
- Fitness Boxing (Nintendo Switch)
- Galactic Pinball (Nintendo Virtual Boy)
- Game & Watch Collection: Manhole (Nintendo e-Reader (acessório))
- Game & Watch Gallery (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Game Boy Player Disc (Nintendo GameCube)
- Game Boy Wars Advance 1+2 (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- Geist (Nintendo GameCube)
- Ginga no Sannin (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Golden Sun (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- GoldenEye 007 (Nintendo 64)
- Golf (Nintendo Virtual Boy)
- Golf (Nintendo Famicom Disk System (acessório))
- Golf (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Golf (Nintendo e-Reader (acessório))
- Golf: Japan Course (Nintendo Famicom Disk System (acessório))
- Gomoku Narabe Renju (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Gumshoe (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Gyromite (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Hamtaro: Ham-Hams Unite! (Nintendo Game Boy Color)
- Hey You, Pikachu! (Nintendo 64)
- Hikari Shinwa: Palutena no Kagami (Nintendo Famicom Disk System (acessório))
- Hockey (Nintendo Color TV Game 6)
- Hockey (Nintendo Color TV Game 15)
- Hogan's Alley (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Hyrule Warriors (Nintendo Wii U)
- Hyrule Warriors Legends (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Hyrule Warriors Legends (Limited Edition) (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity (Nintendo Switch)
- Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition (Nintendo Switch)
- Hyrule Warriors: Limited Edition (Nintendo Wii U)
- Ice Climber (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Ice Hockey (Nintendo Famicom Disk System (acessório))
- Ice Hockey (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES) NOVO
- Itoi Shigesato no Bass Tsuri No. 1 (Super Nintendo)
- Joy Mech Fight (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball (Super Nintendo)
- Ken Griffey, Jr.'s Winning Run (Super Nintendo)
- Kid Icarus (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Kid Icarus: Uprising (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Killer Instinct (Super Nintendo)
- Kirby & the Amazing Mirror (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards (Nintendo 64)
- Kirby Air Ride (Nintendo GameCube)
- Kirby and the Rainbow Curse (Nintendo Wii U)
- Kirby Mass Attack (Nintendo DS)
- Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble (Nintendo Game Boy Color)
- Kirby's Adventure (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Kirby's Dream Course (Super Nintendo)
- Kirby's Dream Land (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Kirby's Dream Land (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Kirby's Dream Land 2 (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Kirby's Epic Yarn (Nintendo Wii)
- Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Kirby's Pinball Land (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Kirby's Return to Dream Land (Nintendo Wii)
- Kirby: Canvas Curse (Nintendo DS)
- Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- Kirby: Triple Deluxe (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Koro Koro Puzzle - Happy Panechu (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- Kung Fu (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Kung Fu Master (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Kuru Kuru Kururin (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- Kururin Paradise (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- Kururin Squash! (Nintendo GameCube)
- Kyojin no Doshin 1 (Nintendo 64DD (acessório))
- Kyojin no Doshin: Kaihou Sensen Chibikko Chikko (Nintendo 64DD (acessório))
- LEGO City Undercover: The Chase Begins (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Link's Crossbow Training (Nintendo Wii)
- Luigi's Mansion (Nintendo GameCube)
- Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Mach Rider (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES) NOVO
- Magical Starsign (Nintendo DS)
- Mahjong (Nintendo Famicom Disk System (acessório))
- Mahjong (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story (Nintendo DS)
- Mario & Luigi: Dream Team (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time (Nintendo DS)
- Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games (Nintendo Wii)
- Mario Artist: Communication Kit (Nintendo 64DD (acessório))
- Mario Artist: Paint Studio (Nintendo 64DD (acessório))
- Mario Artist: Paint Studio - com mouse (Nintendo 64DD (acessório))
- Mario Artist: Polygon Studio (Nintendo 64DD (acessório))
- Mario Artist: Talent Studio (Nintendo 64DD (acessório))
- Mario Artist: Talent Studio - com cartucho de ca (Nintendo 64DD (acessório))
- Mario Bros. (Atari 7800)
- Mario Bros. (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Mario Calculator (Nintendo DSi)
- Mario Clash (Nintendo Virtual Boy)
- Mario Clock (Nintendo DSi)
- Mario Golf (Nintendo 64)
- Mario Golf (Nintendo Game Boy Color)
- Mario Golf: Advance Tour (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- Mario Golf: Super Rush (Nintendo Switch)
- Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour (Nintendo GameCube)
- Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour - Player's Choice (Nintendo GameCube)
- Mario Golf: World Tour (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Mario Hoops: 3 on 3 (Nintendo DS)
- Mario Kart 64 (Nintendo 64)
- Mario Kart 7 (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Mario Kart 8 (Nintendo Wii U)
- Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Nintendo Switch)
- Mario Kart 8 Deluxe + Super Mario Party Double P (Nintendo Switch)
- Mario Kart DS (Nintendo DS)
- Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit (Nintendo Switch)
- Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo Wii)
- Mario Kart: Double Dash (Nintendo GameCube)
- Mario Kart: Double Dash - Special Edition (Nintendo GameCube)
- Mario Kart: Super Circuit (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- Mario Kart: Super Circuit (Nintendo Wii U)
- Mario Kart: Super Circuit - Ambassador Program E (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Mario Kart: Super Circuit - Player's Choice (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- Mario Paint (Super Nintendo)
- Mario Party (Nintendo 64)
- Mario Party 10 (Nintendo Wii U)
- Mario Party 10 - Amiibo Bundle (Nintendo Wii U)
- Mario Party 2 (Nintendo 64)
- Mario Party 3 (Nintendo 64)
- Mario Party 4 (Nintendo GameCube)
- Mario Party 5 (Nintendo GameCube)
- Mario Party 6 - Conjunto com Microfone (Nintendo GameCube)
- Mario Party 7 (Nintendo GameCube)
- Mario Party 8 (Nintendo Wii)
- Mario Party Advance (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- Mario Party Advance (Nintendo Wii U)
- Mario Party DS (Nintendo DS)
- Mario Party Superstars (Nintendo Switch)
- Mario Party: Island Tour (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Mario Party: The Top 100 (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Mario Power Tennis (Nintendo GameCube)
- Mario Power Tennis - Best Seller (Nintendo GameCube)
- Mario Strikers Charged (Nintendo Wii)
- Mario Super Sluggers (Nintendo Wii)
- Mario Superstar Baseball (Nintendo GameCube)
- Mario Tennis (Nintendo 64)
- Mario Tennis (Nintendo Game Boy Color)
- Mario Tennis Aces (Nintendo Switch)
- Mario Tennis Open (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Mario Tennis: Power Tour (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- Mario to Wario (Super Nintendo)
- Mario to Wario - com Mouse (Super Nintendo)
- Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Minis March Again! (Nintendo DSi)
- Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars (Nintendo Wii U)
- Mario's Tennis (Nintendo Virtual Boy)
- Mega Man 3 (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Mega Man 5 (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Mega Man 6 (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Mega Man II (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Metal Combat: Falcon's Revenge (Super Nintendo)
- Metroid (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Metroid Dread (Nintendo Switch)
- Metroid Dread - Special Edition (Nintendo Switch)
- Metroid Fusion (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- Metroid II: Return of Samus (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Metroid II: Return of Samus - Player's Choice (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Metroid Prime (Nintendo GameCube)
- Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (Nintendo GameCube)
- Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (Nintendo Wii)
- Metroid Prime Pinball (Nintendo DS)
- Metroid Prime Trilogy (Nintendo Wii)
- Metroid Prime: Federation Force (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Metroid Prime: Hunters (Nintendo DS)
- Metroid Prime: Hunters - First Hunt (Nintendo DS)
- Metroid: Other M (Nintendo Wii)
- Metroid: Samus Returns (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Metroid: Zero Mission (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- Mickey Mouse: Magic Wands (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Mickey's Speedway USA (Nintendo Game Boy Color)
- Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Mischief Makers (Nintendo 64)
- Mother (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Nakayama Miho No Tokimeki High School (Idol Hotl (Nintendo Famicom Disk System (acessório))
- NCAA Basketball (Super Nintendo)
- NES Open Tournament Golf (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- NES Play Action Football (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- NES Remix (Nintendo Wii U)
- NES Remix 2 (Nintendo Wii U)
- NES Remix Pack (Nintendo Wii U)
- Nester's Funky Bowling (Nintendo Virtual Boy)
- New Super Luigi U (Nintendo Wii U)
- New Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo DS)
- New Super Mario Bros. 2 (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- New Super Mario Bros. U (Nintendo Wii U)
- New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe (Nintendo Switch)
- New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Nintendo Wii)
- NHL Stanley Cup (Super Nintendo)
- Nigel Mansell's World Championship Racing (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Nintendo Land (Nintendo Wii U)
- Nintendo World Cup (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Nintendo World Cup (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Nintendogs + Cats: Golden Retriever & New Friend (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Nintendogs Toy Poodle + Cats & New Friends (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Nintendogs: Best Friends (Nintendo DS)
- Nintendogs: Chihuahua & Friends (Nintendo DS)
- Nintendogs: Dachshund & Friends (Nintendo DS)
- Nintendogs: Dalmatian & Friends (Nintendo DS)
- Nintendogs: Lab & Friends (Nintendo DS)
- Octopath Traveler (Nintendo Switch)
- Odama (Nintendo GameCube)
- Panic Bomber (Nintendo Virtual Boy)
- Paper Mario (Nintendo 64)
- Paper Mario: Sticker Star (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Nintendo GameCube)
- Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Player's Ch (Nintendo GameCube)
- Penguin Wars (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Perfect Dark (Nintendo 64)
- Personal Trainer: Cooking (Nintendo DS)
- Personal Trainer: Walking (Nintendo DS)
- Personal Trainer: Walking (Nintendo DS)
- Photo Clock (Nintendo DSi)
- Pikmin (Nintendo GameCube)
- Pikmin 2 (Nintendo GameCube)
- Pikmin 3 (Nintendo Wii U)
- Pilotwings (Super Nintendo)
- Pilotwings 64 (Nintendo 64)
- Pilotwings Resort (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Pinball (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Pinbot (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Ping Pong (Nintendo Color TV Game 15)
- Pocket Monsters Midori (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Pokemon Alpha Sapphire (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Pokemon Art Academy (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Pokémon Battle Revolution (Nintendo Wii)
- Pokémon Black (Nintendo DS)
- Pokémon Black 2 (Nintendo DS)
- Pokemon Blue Version (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Pokemon Box: Ruby and Sapphire (Nintendo GameCube)
- Pokémon Brilliant Diamond (Nintendo Switch)
- Pokémon Brilliant Diamond / Pokémon Shining Pe (Nintendo Switch)
- Pokémon Channel (Nintendo GameCube)
- Pokémon Colosseum (Nintendo GameCube)
- Pokémon Conquest (Nintendo DS)
- Pokemon Crystal Version (Nintendo Game Boy Color)
- Pokémon Crystal Version (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Pokémon Diamond Version (Nintendo DS)
- Pokémon Emerald Version (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- Pokémon FireRed Version (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- Pokémon FireRed Version - Player's Choice (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- Pokémon Gold Version (Nintendo Game Boy Color)
- Pokémon Gold Version (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Pokémon HeartGold (Nintendo DS)
- Pokémon HeartGold Limited Bundle (Nintendo DS)
- Pokémon LeafGreen Version (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- Pokémon LeafGreen Version - Player's Choice (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- Pokémon Legends: Arceus (Nintendo Switch)
- Pokémon Moon (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team (Nintendo DS)
- Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky (Nintendo DS)
- Pokemon Omega Ruby (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire Dual Pack (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Pokémon Pearl Version (Nintendo DS)
- Pokémon Pinball (Nintendo Game Boy Color)
- Pokémon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire (Nintendo Wii U)
- Pokémon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- Pokémon Platinum Version (Nintendo DS)
- Pokémon Platinum Version (Bonus Figure & Case) (Nintendo DS)
- Pokemon Puzzle Challenge (Nintendo Game Boy Color)
- Pokemon Puzzle Challenge (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Pokemon Puzzle League (Nintendo 64)
- Pokémon Red Version (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Pokémon Ruby Version (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- Pokémon Sapphire Version (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- Pokémon Shining Pearl (Nintendo Switch)
- Pokémon Silver Version (Nintendo Game Boy Color)
- Pokémon Silver Version (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Pokémon Snap (Nintendo 64)
- Pokémon SoulSilver (Nintendo DS)
- Pokémon SoulSilver Limited Bundle (Nintendo DS)
- Pokémon Stadium (Nintendo 64)
- Pokémon Stadium 2 (Nintendo 64)
- Pokémon Sun (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Pokémon White (Nintendo DS)
- Pokémon White 2 (Nintendo DS)
- Pokemon X (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness (Nintendo GameCube)
- Pokemon Y (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Popeye (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Pro Wrestling (Nintendo Famicom Disk System (acessório))
- Pro Wrestling (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Professor Layton Vs. Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Project H.A.M.M.E.R. (protótipo) (Nintendo Wii)
- Punch-Out!! (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Pushmo World (Nintendo Wii U)
- Puzzle & Dragons Z + Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mar (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- R-Type (Arcade)
- R-Type (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- R-Type DX (Nintendo Game Boy Color)
- R.C. Pro-Am (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Racing 112 (Nintendo Color TV Game Racing 112)
- Rad Racer (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Randnet Disk (Nintendo 64DD (acessório))
- Red Alarm (Nintendo Virtual Boy)
- Rhythm Heaven Fever (Nintendo Wii)
- Shadowgate Classic (Nintendo Game Boy Color)
- Shin 4-Jin Uchi Mahjong: Yakuman Tengoku (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Shooting Game (Nintendo Color TV Game 15)
- Short Order / Eggsplode! (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Shovel Knight (Nintendo Wii U)
- SimCity (Super Nintendo)
- Sin & Punishment: Star Successor (Nintendo Wii)
- Sing Party (Nintendo Wii U)
- Slalom (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Slide Adventure: Mag Kid (Nintendo DS)
- Smash Ping Pong (Nintendo Famicom Disk System (acessório))
- Soccer (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Soccer (Nintendo Famicom Disk System (acessório))
- Solar Striker (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Soma Bringer (Nintendo DS)
- SoulCalibur II (Nintendo GameCube)
- Space Invaders (Super Nintendo)
- Splatoon (Nintendo Wii U)
- Splatoon - Special Edition (Nintendo Wii U)
- Splatoon 2 (Nintendo Switch)
- Stack-Up (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Stadium Events (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Star Fox (Super Nintendo)
- Star Fox 2 (protótipo) (Super Nintendo)
- Star Fox 64 (com Rumble Pak) (Nintendo 64)
- Star Fox Adventures (Nintendo GameCube)
- Star Fox Guard (Nintendo Wii U)
- Star Fox Zero (Nintendo Wii U)
- Star Fox Zero + Star Fox Guard (Nintendo Wii U)
- Star Tropics (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Star Wars (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire (Nintendo 64)
- StarCraft 64 (Nintendo 64)
- Stealth ATF (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Steel Diver (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Stunt Race FX (Super Nintendo)
- Style Savvy (Nintendo DS)
- Super Bomberman 2 (Super Nintendo)
- Super Famicom Box PSS-61 (Super Famicom Box)
- Super Famicom Box PSS-62 (Super Famicom Box)
- Super Famicom Box PSS-63 (Super Famicom Box)
- Super Famicom Box PSS-64 (Super Famicom Box)
- Super Mario 64 (Nintendo 64)
- Super Mario 64 (Nintendo Wii)
- Super Mario 64 (Nintendo Wii U)
- Super Mario 64 - Players Choice (Nintendo 64)
- Super Mario 64 DS (Nintendo DS)
- Super Mario 64: Shindou pakku de shibire chau! (Nintendo 64)
- Super Mario Advance (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- Super Mario All-Stars (Super Nintendo)
- Super Mario All-Stars / Super Mario World (Super Nintendo)
- Super Mario All-Stars: 25th Anniversary Edition (Nintendo Wii)
- Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Super Mario Bros. - The Triple Trouble (cancelad (Nintendo 64)
- Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt / World Class Trac (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Super Mario Bros. 2 (Nintendo Famicom Disk System (acessório))
- Super Mario Bros. 2 (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Super Mario Bros. 3 (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Super Mario Bros. Deluxe (Nintendo Game Boy Color)
- Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels (Nintendo Wii)
- Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels (Nintendo Wii U)
- Super Mario Galaxy (Nintendo Wii)
- Super Mario Kart (Super Nintendo)
- Super Mario Kart - Player's Choice (Super Nintendo)
- Super Mario Land (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Super Mario Land (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins - Players Cho (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land - Players Choice (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Super Mario Maker (Nintendo Wii U)
- Super Mario Maker - Limited Edition Pack (Nintendo Wii U)
- Super Mario Maker for Nintendo 3DS (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Super Mario Maker for Nintendo 3DS - Nintendo Se (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Super Mario Odyssey (Nintendo Switch)
- Super Mario Party (Nintendo Switch)
- Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars (Super Nintendo)
- Super Mario Strikers (Nintendo GameCube)
- Super Mario Sunshine (Nintendo GameCube)
- Super Mario World (Super Nintendo)
- Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (Super Nintendo)
- Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island - Official L (Super Nintendo)
- Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2 (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- Super Metroid (Super Nintendo)
- Super Paper Mario (Nintendo Wii)
- Super Play Action Football (Super Nintendo)
- Super R.C. Pro-Am (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Super Robot Taisen K (Nintendo DS)
- Super Scope 6 (Super Nintendo)
- Super Smash Bros. (Nintendo 64)
- Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Super Smash Bros. for Wii U (Nintendo Wii U)
- Super Smash Bros. for Wii U (com adaptador e con (Nintendo Wii U)
- Super Smash Bros. Melee (Nintendo GameCube)
- Super Smash Bros. Melee - Best Seller (Nintendo GameCube)
- Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Nintendo Switch)
- Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Limited Edition (Nintendo Switch)
- Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Special Edition (Nintendo Switch)
- Super Soccer (Super Nintendo)
- Super Spike V'Ball (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Super Spike V'Ball / Nintendo World Cup (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Super Street Fighter II (Super Nintendo)
- Super Team Games (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Super Tennis (Super Nintendo)
- Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido (Nintendo Switch)
- Teleroboxer (Nintendo Virtual Boy)
- Tennis (Nintendo e-Reader (acessório))
- Tennis (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Tennis (Nintendo Famicom Disk System (acessório))
- Tennis (Nintendo Color TV Game 6)
- Tennis (Nintendo Color TV Game 15)
- Tetris (Nintendo Game Boy) NOVO
- Tetris (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Tetris & Dr. Mario (Super Nintendo)
- Tetris 2 (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Tetris 2 (Super Nintendo)
- The Amazing Spider-Man (Nintendo Game Boy) NOVO
- The Guardian Legend (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- The Legend of Zelda (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- The Legend of Zelda 2: Link no Bouken (Nintendo Famicom Disk System (acessório))
- The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (Coll (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Nintendo Wii U)
- The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Nintendo Wii)
- The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (New Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Super Nintendo)
- The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and Four (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Nintendo Switch)
- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Nintendo Wii U)
- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Master (Nintendo Switch)
- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Starte (Nintendo Switch)
- The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures (Nintendo GameCube)
- The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Anniversary Edi (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Anniversary Edi (Nintendo DS)
- The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (Nintendo Game Boy)
- The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (Nintendo Switch)
- The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX (Nintendo Game Boy Color)
- The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (Nintendo 64)
- The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D - Special (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D - Ultimate (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Nintendo 64)
- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Collector' (Nintendo 64)
- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages (Nintendo Game Boy Color)
- The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages / Oracle of (Nintendo Game Boy Color)
- The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons (Nintendo Game Boy Color)
- The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (Nintendo DS)
- The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Nintendo Wii)
- The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Nintendo Wii U)
- The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (25th Anniver (Nintendo Wii)
- The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks (Nintendo DS)
- The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (Nintendo Switch)
- The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (Nintendo Wii U)
- The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (3DS Ambassa (New Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- The Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Nintendo GameCube)
- The Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker - Limited Ed (Nintendo GameCube)
- The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Nintendo GameCube)
- The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD (Nintendo Wii U)
- The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD - conj (Nintendo Wii U)
- The Little Mermaid II: Pinball Frenzy (Nintendo Game Boy Color)
- The Urbz: Sims in the City (Nintendo GameCube)
- The Wonderful 101 (Nintendo Wii U)
- Thunder Force II (Nintendo Switch)
- To the Earth (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE (Nintendo Wii U)
- Tomodachi Life (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Tottoko Hamtaro Nazo Nazo Q Kumonoue no ? Jou (Nintendo DS)
- Tottoko Hamtaro: Tomodachi Daisakusen Dechu (Nintendo Game Boy Color)
- Toy Story (Super Nintendo)
- Trace Memory (Nintendo DS)
- Triangle Strategy (Nintendo Switch)
- Ultimate NES Remix (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Ultimate NES Remix - Nintendo Selects (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Uniracers (Super Nintendo)
- Ura Zelda (cancelado) (Nintendo 64DD (acessório))
- Urban Champion (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Vegas Stakes (Super Nintendo)
- Vertical Force (Nintendo Virtual Boy)
- Virtual Boy Wario Land (Nintendo Virtual Boy)
- Volley (Nintendo Color TV Game 6)
- Volley (Nintendo Color TV Game 15)
- Volleyball (Nintendo Famicom Disk System (acessório))
- Vs. Clu Clu Land (Arcade)
- Vs. Excitebike (Arcade)
- Vs. Excitebike (Nintendo Famicom Disk System (acessório))
- Vs. Excitebike (Nintendo Wii U)
- Wario Blast: Featuring Bomberman! (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Wario Land 3 (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Wario Land 3 (Nintendo Game Boy Color)
- Wario Land 4 (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- Wario Land II (Nintendo Game Boy Color)
- Wario Land II (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Wario Land II (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Wario Land: Shake It! (Nintendo Wii)
- Wario World (Nintendo GameCube)
- Wario: Master of Disguise (Nintendo DS)
- WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Game$! (Nintendo GameCube)
- WarioWare: Get It Together! (Nintendo Switch)
- WarioWare: Snapped! (Nintendo DSi)
- Wave Race (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Wave Race (Player's Choice) (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Wave Race 64 (Nintendo 64)
- Wave Race: Blue Storm (Nintendo GameCube)
- Wii Fit Plus (Nintendo Wii)
- Wii Fit Plus - com a Balance Board (Nintendo Wii)
- Wii Sports (Nintendo Wii)
- Wii Sports Club (Nintendo Wii U)
- Wii Sports Resort - conjunto com Wii Motionplus (Nintendo Wii)
- Wii Sports Resort - versão envelope (Nintendo Wii)
- Wild Gunman (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Wild Gunman Set (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- World Class Track Meet - Power Pad Bundle (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- World of Goo (Nintendo Wii)
- Wrecking Crew (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Wrecking Crew (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Xenoblade Chronicles (Nintendo Wii)
- Xenoblade Chronicles (Nintendo Wii U)
- Xenoblade Chronicles - Classic Controller Pro Pa (Nintendo Wii)
- Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Nintendo Switch)
- Xenoblade Chronicles 3D (New Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Xenoblade Chronicles X (Nintendo Wii U)
- Yoshi (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Yoshi (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Yoshi's Cookie (Nintendo Game Boy)
- Yoshi's Cookie (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Advance 3 (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
- Yoshi's Safari (Super Nintendo)
- Yoshi's Story (Nintendo 64)
- Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Zelda II: The Adventure of Link - Classic Series (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Zelda Musou (Premium Box) (Nintendo Wii U)
- Zelda Musou (Treasure Box) (Nintendo Wii U)
- Zelda Musou: Hyrule All-Stars (Premium Box) (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Zelda Musou: Hyrule All-Stars (Treasure Box) (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Zelda Musou: Yakusai no Mokushiroku - Treasure B (Nintendo Switch)
- Zelda no Densetsu: The Hyrule Fantasy (Nintendo Famicom Disk System (acessório))
- Zero: Tsukihami no Kamen (Nintendo Wii)
- Zoda's Revenge: Star Tropics II (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
Acessórios (40)
- 3DS Charging Cradle (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Batter Up (Super Nintendo)
- Cabo AV Stéreo (Super Nintendo)
- Cabo Componente (Nintendo GameCube)
- Caneta Stylus (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Case leve para transporte de disquete 4 - Super (Nintendo Famicom Disk System (acessório))
- Circle Pad Pro (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Controle do Super Nintendo (Super Nintendo)
- Controle NES Max (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES) NOVO
- Controle original NES (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES) NOVO
- DK Bongos (Nintendo GameCube)
- Famicom Data Recorder (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Famicom Soft Carry Cassette Case (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Family Basic (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Family Computer Network System (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Gun (revólver) do Famicom (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Maleta de transporte do Famicom Disk System (Nintendo Famicom Disk System (acessório))
- Maleta de transporte do Family Computer (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Maleta de transporte Super Mario World para Supe (Super Nintendo)
- Maleta Super Donkey Kong para Super Famicom (Super Nintendo)
- Maleta Super Famicom Station Cabinet (Super Nintendo)
- NES Advantage (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- NES Hands Free Controller (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- NES Power Pad (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- NES Satellite (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES) NOVO
- NES Zapper (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Nintendo 3DS NFC Reader (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Nintendo 3DS Stand (Nintendo 3DS / 2DS)
- Nintendo 64DD Capture Cassette (Nintendo 64DD (acessório))
- Nintendo 64DD Keyboard (Nintendo 64DD (acessório))
- Nintendo 64DD Modem (Nintendo 64DD (acessório))
- Nintendo 64DD Mouse (Nintendo 64DD (acessório))
- Nintendo DS Headset (Nintendo DS)
- R.O.B. (Nintendo Entertainment System - NES)
- Super Game Boy (Super Nintendo)
- Super NES CD-ROM (cancelado) (Super Nintendo)
- Super Nintendo Action Case (Super Nintendo)
- Super Scope (Super Nintendo)
- Virtual Boy AC Adapter Set (Nintendo Virtual Boy)
- Voice Recognition Unit (Nintendo 64)
Franquias (3)
Notícias (76)
- Lista completa de jogos / Fullset do Nintendo DSi disponível no VGDB
- Sega e Nintendo colocaram a rivalidade de lado na BGS 2023
- Mais de 30 novos jogos chegam ao Nintendo Switch
- Os cartuchos coloridos do Super Nintendo
- Nintendo Switch vende mais de 100 milhões de unidades
- Crystar será lançado para Nintendo Switch em 2022
- Dying Light: Platinum Edition traz muita ação ao Nintendo Switch
- Cinco jogos do Nintendo GameCube que você precisa conhecer
- Entenda mais sobre o sucesso do Game e Watch da Nintendo
- Missing Features: 2D é game maluco disponível para o Nintendo Switch
- O Nintendo GameCube ainda vive em canal exclusivo sobre o console
- Coleção definitiva de NeoGeo Pocket chega ao Nintendo Switch
- É fã de Kirby? Então veja a análise desse universo colorido da Nintendo
- Confira as principais novidades do mais recente Nintendo Direct
- Ultra Street Fighter 2 reviveu o clássico no Nintendo Switch
- Com saudosimos e curiosidade, Fatal Fury chega ao Nintendo Switch
- É louco por Super Nintendo World? Ele está cada vez mais sensacional
- Jogos da série No More Heroes vão para o Nintendo Switch
- Prinny 1 e 2 chegam ao Nintendo Switch com desafio e bom humor
- O melhor Donkey Kong Country finalmente chega ao Nintendo Switch.
- Samurai Shodown! 2 e King of Fighters R-2 chegam ao Nintendo
- Switch Online tem mais de 15 milhões de usuários, diz Nintendo
- Little Town Hero Big Idea Edition chega ao PS4 e Nintendo Switch em 2020
- Em grande estilo, Nintendo está de volta a Brasil Game Show 2019
- Confira o nosso review de Grand Brix Shooter para Nintendo Switch
- O Yo-Kai Watch original será lançado para o Nintendo Switch
- Os grandes anúncios da E3 2019, parte 2: Bethesda, Square Enix e Nintendo
- Com jogabilidade precisa, Venture Kid é aventura retrô no Nintendo Switch
- A Capcom mostra cada vez mais o seu apoio para o Nintendo Switch
- Graveyard Keeper finalmente está confirmado para o Nintendo Switch
- Se você tem saudade da Nintendo World, não pode perder a NVerse!
- Horizon Chase Turbo traz um novo modo para Xbox One e Nintendo Switch
- Na cobertura BGS 2018, fomos convidados pela Nintendo para uma noite de jogatina
- Diablo 3 é confirmado para o Nintendo Switch e volta com conteúdo inédito
- Survive! Mr. Cube chega hoje para o Nintendo Switch
- Ys VIII é uma aventura única no Nintendo Switch; Confira nossa análise
- Monster Hunter finalmente chegará ao Nintendo Switch em 2018 em grande estilo
- The New Colossus já tem data confirmada para explodir tudo no Nintendo Switch
- Abril está chegando com o retorno de Kratos e o Nintendo Labo para a molecada
- Confira os 10 jogos indies mais vendidos no Nintendo Switch
- Direcionado para crianças, Nintendo anuncia mais novo brinquedo: O Labo
- Nintendo mostra mais armas para manter Switch no topo com o mais recente Direct
- Após baixas vendas com o Wii U, será que a Nintendo acertou a mão com o Switch?
- Doom e Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus anunciados para o Nintendo Switch
- Nintendo anuncia volta do NES Mini e que não haverá escassez de Super NES Mini
- Ubisoft indica que não fará Assassin's Creed Origins para Nintendo Switch
- Nintendo mostra suas cartas na E3: novo Metroid Prime, Mario Odyssey e mais
- Escassez de Nintendo Switch pode ser culpa da Apple, dizem analistas
- Nintendo Switch, Zelda, Mass Effect e Ghost Recon são os principais lançamentos
- Lista completa de jogos do Nintendo 64DD disponível no VGDB
- Será que a Nintendo vai mesmo manter linha de portáteis com a chegada do Switch?
- Em 2006 a Nintendo revolucionava o mercado com sensores de movimento do Wii
- Com Switch prestes a chegar, vale a pena comprar console atual da Nintendo?
- História dos Videogames: Em 2004, a Nintendo iniciava nova linha de portáteis com o Nintendo DS
- Revelado o Nintendo Switch, novo console da empresa japonesa
- A Nintendo e sua incrível capacidade de tirar “Pokémons da cartola”
- Em 2001, Nintendo mantinha a hegemonia nos portáteis com o Game Boy Advance
- Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo... Quem fez bonito e quem pagou mico na E3 2016
- Em 2001 a Nintendo abandonava os cartuchos com o lançamento do Gamecube
- Expectativa pelo novo console NX faz crescer os boatos envolvendo a Nintendo
- Nintendo acerta trazendo a essência da franquia de volta com Star Fox Zero
- Review do leitor: Battle Grand Prix - Super Nintendo
- Presidente da Nintendo revela um pouco mais dos planos da empresa para 2016
- Playstation VR? Nintendo NX? Novo Coleco? O que esperar para 2016
- 1998: Nintendo trouxe cores ao seu portátil com o lançamento do Game Boy Color
- Em 1996 chegava o último console de mesa a usar cartuchos: o Nintendo 64
- Nintendo anuncia novo Presidente e jogo com caça de Pokémons “na vida real”
- História dos Videogames: em 1995 a Nintendo tentava entrar no mundo da realidade virtual com o Virtual Boy
- O legado de Satoru Iwata, presidente da Nintendo falecido no último sábado
- Tudo o que você queria saber sobre o novo console da Nintendo, de codinome NX
- E3 2015 continua, com novidades da Nintendo, Square e Playstation 4 nacional
- Nintendo anuncia que fará jogos para smartphones e trabalha em novo console
- Relembrando o passado: no começo da década de 90 chegava ao mercado um dos consoles mais marcantes da história: o Super Nintendo
- Nintendo anuncia data para chegada do New 3DS no ocidente e apresenta novidades
- Saiba mais sobre a saída da Nintendo do Brasil
- Nintendo surpreende o mercado, anunciando lucro e tendência de alta.
Canal do VGDB (175)
- Metroid Prime: Federation Force - Nintendo 3DS - Mini Análise 2
- Metroid Prime - Nintendo GameCube - Mini Análise 2
- Quest 64 - Nintendo 64 - Mini Análise
- Pilotwings 64 - Nintendo 64 - Análise
- Jogos Sem Licença da Nintendo e os Clones Brasileiros do Nintendinho!
- Super Mario Strikers - Nintendo GameCube - Mini Análise
- Drakkhen - Super Nintendo - Mini Análise
- ATV Quad Kings - Nintendo Wii - Mini Análise
- Alien Hominid - Nintendo GameCube - Mini Análise
- Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem (Manukareta 13-nin) - Nintendo GameCube - Mini Análise
- Demon's Crest / Demon's Blazon - Super Nintendo - Mini Análise
- Mortal Kombat - Mega Drive Vs. Super Nintendo - Mini Análise
- Final Fight Guy - Super Nintendo / Super Famicom - Mini Análise
- Shantae - Game Boy Color / Nintendo 3DS / Switch - Mini Análise
- Toda a História de Killer7, clássico de PlayStation 2 e Nintendo GameCube!
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- Guitar Hero Live - Nintendo Wii U - Mini Análise
- Sega Versus Nintendo? Confira o que rolou na BGS 23 e no #VGDBnaBGS
- Wave Race - Nintendo Game Boy - Mini Análise
- Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean - Nintendo GameCube - Mini Análise
- VOEZ - Nintendo Switch - Mini Análise
- Super Meat Boy - Nintendo Switch - Mini Análise
- SteamWorld Tower Defense - Nintendo DS / DSi - Mini Análise
- Hybrid Heaven - Nintendo 64 - Mini Análise
- P.N.03 - Nintendo GameCube - Mini Análise
- Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games Vancouver 2010 - Nintendo Wii - Mini Análise
- Um Doom medieval e místico? Conheça Hexen do N64! - Velha Guarda Nintendo
- Super Paper Mario (Nintendo Wii) - Rapidinha VGDB
- RoboCop do Nintendinho. Tão bom quanto o Arcade? - Velha Guarda Nintendo
- A clássica pancadaria de Batman Returns do Super Nintendo - Velha Guarda Nintendo
- 5 Jogos Roguelike que te Farão Suar no Nintendo Switch!
- Alien Vs. Predator - Super Nintendo - Rapidinha VGDB ft. Mauhard
- 20 anos do Nintendo GameCube. Ele merecia mais sucesso? - Por Dentro do VGDB
- A VERDADE sobre a Nintendo e o Philips CD-i - Descubra o que aconteceu!
- Hidden Gems do Nintendo 64 com o "misterioso" Ninja Revs!
- A Nintendo Avança na Competição com o Game Boy Advance! - Por Dentro do VGDB
- O Nintendo 64 Foi um Fracasso? | Por Dentro do VGDB
- Os Jogos de Lançamento do Nintendo 64 (Japão/EUA/Europa) - VGDB 1st
- Pac-Man Vs. / Pac-Man World 2 - Nintendo GameCube - Rapidinha VGDB
- Nintendo DS: O Dobro de Telas = Diversão Dobrada! | Por Dentro do VGDB
- Completei o Fullset americano do Nintendo Wii U. E agora? - VloGDB
- As pérolas desconhecidas do Nintendo 64! - VGDB no Ar! Drops #314
- Charlie's Angels (As Panteras) - Nintendo GameCube - Rapidinha VGDB
- Battle Grand Prix do Super Nintendo - Por Dentro do VGDB Retro Análise
- O Videogame que a Nintendo quer que Você Esqueça: CD-i - Por Dentro do VGDB
- Game Boy e a Revolução Portátil da Nintendo! - Por Dentro do VGDB
- Flashback - Nintendo Switch - Mini Análise
- Top 5: Os melhores jogos do Nintendo 64!
- Double Dragon - Nintendo Game Boy - Mini Análise
- Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters - Nintendo 3DS - Mini Análise
- Project Hammer (protótipo) e sua ligação com Wave Race - Nintendo Wii - Mini Análise
- The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Super Nintendo) - VGDB Joga!
- Qual é o melhor modelo do NINTENDO 64?
- VRU - o acessório de RECONHECIMENTO de VOZ do NINTENDO 64
- The Peanuts Movie: Snoopy's Grand Adventure - Nintendo Wii U - Mini Análise
- Super Formation Soccer II - Super Nintendo / Super Famicom - Mini Análise
- Nintendo Virtual Boy - Minha História
- Super Off-Road - Nintendo Game Boy - Mini Análise
- Wave Race: Blue Storm - Nintendo GameCube - Mini Análise
- Wario World - Nintendo GameCube - Mini Análise
- Existiram redes online oficiais do Nintendo 64?
- Super Nintendo e Super Famicom - Coleção VGDB
- Wave Race 64 - Nintendo 64 - Mini Análise
- Jurassic Park - Super Nintendo - Mini Análise
- Final Fantasy VII no Nintendo 64?
- WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Game$! - Nintendo GameCube - Mini Análise
- R-Type DX - Nintendo Game Boy Color - Mini Análise
- O sensacional Nintendo 64 e seus jogos, a minha história com o N64
- Quest 64 - Nintendo 64 - Mini Análise
- Se você fosse do alto escalão da Nintendo, o que faria para melhorar o N64?
- Bastante Nintendo! Game Boys, NES e pitadas de Xbox clássico - Aquisições VGDB #139
- Super Mario Sunshine - Nintendo GameCube - Mini Análise
- Mischief Makers - Nintendo 64 - Mini Análise
- Desafio Guerra dos Consoles SEGA (Ricardo Syozi) Vs. Nintendo (Celso Affini) #VGDBnaBGS
- BGS2019 - Estande da Nintendo #VGDBnaBGS
- Vara de Pescar Madcatz do Nintendo 64 - Mini Análise
- Mascote da NINTENDO: a origem do nome KIRBY - Gargamelverde no VGDB+
- Uma história de amor e ódio entre a Nintendo e a Blockbuster - Aperte Start no VGDB+
- SimCity - Super Nintendo - Mini Análise
- Super Mario Strikers - Nintendo GameCube - Mini Análise
- Nintendo 64 com disquetes? O Raro Nintendo 64DD
- Wii Fit Plus + Guitarra + jogos consoles Nintendo + revistas NVerse - Aquisições VGDB #127
- R-Type - Nintendo Game Boy - Mini Análise
- Finalmente com o NINTENDO SWITCH + jogos de PS3 - Aquisições VGDB #126
- Metroid: Samus Returns - Nintendo 3DS - Mini Análise
- Hybrid Heaven - Nintendo 64 - Mini Análise
- Qual foi a melhor Third-Party do Nintendo 64?
- Nintendogs - Nintendo DS / 2DS / 3DS - Mini Análise
- Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II - Nintendo GameCube - Mini Análise
- Metroid Prime: Federation Force - Nintendo 3DS - Mini Análise
- Nintendo 64 teve pistola?
- Compras de jogos Nintendo: N64, GameCube, DS e Wii + Xbox e dossiê Old Gamer - Aquisições VGDB #113
- Beetle Adventure Racing - Nintendo 64 - Mini Análise
- Papo sobre o Nintendo Switch - Revs TV no VGDB+
- A Nintendo acertou no estranho design de controle do N64?
- Toki Retrocollector Edition Nintendo Switch - Pixelchanchada no VGDB+
- Compras na eStarland: só jogos para consoles Nintendo! NES, GBA e GBC - Aquisições VGDB #109
- Resident Evil 4 - Nintendo GameCube - Mini Análise
- Jogos americanos de PlayStation e Nintendo 64 - Coleção Jorge Miashike pt. 6 - Aquisições VGDB #104
- Metroid: Other M - Nintendo Wii - Mini Análise
- Metroid Prime Trilogy - Nintendo Wii - Mini Análise
- Fighter Destiny 2 - Nintendo 64 - Mini Análise
- Lote jogos de Game Boy Advance e Nintendo DS - Coleção Jorge Miashike pt. 5 - Aquisições VGDB #103
- iQue Player, o Nintendo 64 Oficial Chinês!
- Pikmin - Nintendo GameCube - Mini Análise
- Minha Historia com o Super Nintendo
- O Nintendo 64 tem trava de região?
- Metroid Prime 3: Corruption - Nintendo Wii - Mini Análise
- Wave Race 64 - Nintendo 64 - Mini Análise
- Ninja Gaiden Trilogy - Super Nintendo - Mini Análise
- Xenoblade Chronicles X - Nintendo Wii U - Rapidinha VGDB #166
- A Nintendo deveria ter investido mais em controles para o Nintendo 64?
- GoldenEye: Rogue Agent - Nintendo GameCube - Mini Análise
- Alien Vs. Predator - Super Nintendo - Mini Análise
- Golf Story - Nintendo Switch - Mini Análise
- Jogos com QUEDAS de FRAMES no Nintendo 64
- Jogos de Mega Drive, Nintendo DS e 3DO - Aquisições VGDB #63
- Kirby and the Rainbow Curse - Nintendo Wii U - Mini Análise
- Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door - Nintendo GameCube - Mini Análise
- Jogos completos de Nintendo 64, Bundles musicais, almofadas Club 16-bit e +++ - Aquisições VGDB #62
- Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes - Nintendo GameCube - Mini Análise
- From Russia With Love 007 - Nintendo GameCube - Mini Análise
- Metroid Prime: Hunters - Nintendo DS - Mini Análise
- Qual o melhor jogo do Nintendo Virtual Boy? - VGDB no Ar! Drops #204
- WCW vs. nWo: World Tour - Nintendo 64 - Mini Análise
- Alien vs. Predator: The Last of His Clan - Nintendo Game Boy - Mini Análise
- Hoje é dia de Nintendo: GameCube e Wii na Americanas.com - Aquisições VGDB #78
- 007: Everything or Nothing - Nintendo GameCube - Mini Análise
- Os jogos de Nintendo 64 exclusivos da Blockbuster - VGDB no Ar! Drops #201
- Conheça a NVerse, a nova revista feita para os fãs da Nintendo! Canal Ricardo Syozi VGDB+50
- Pikmin 3 - Nintendo Wii U - Mini Análise
- Os PONGS da NINTENDO - VGDB no Ar! Drops #197
- Lote de jogos baratinhos de Nintendo DS (Americanas.com) - Aquisições VGDB #73
- Qual o jogo com mais texturas no Nintendo 64? - VGDB no Ar! Drops #175
- Metroid Prime (Mozart ao Cubo) - Nintendo GameCube - Rapidinha VGDB #146
- Metroid Prime Pinball - Nintendo DS - Mini Análise
- Qual o pior jogo do Nintendo Virtual Boy? - VGDB no Ar! Drops #193
- GBA, o primeiro portátil 32 bit, uma obra de arte da Nintendo - Canal GQP - VGDB+45
- Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE - Nintendo Wii U - Mini Análise
- Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - Nintendo GameCube - Mini Análise
- 007: Nightfire - Nintendo GameCube - Mini Análise
- Thimbleweed Park - Nintendo Switch - Mini Análise
- The Wonderful 101 - Nintendo Wii U - Mini Análise
- Minha Historia com o Nintendo Game Boy
- Qual o valor justo de um Nintendo 64 hoje? - VGDB no Ar! Drops #161
- Battalion Wars - Nintendo GameCube - Mini Análise
- Lotão de jogos de Nintendo Famicom Disk System - Aquisições VGDB #50
- Review de Ikaruga no Nintendo Switch - Canal Shmups BR - VGDB+ 029
- 007 Agent Under Fire - Nintendo GameCube - Rapidinha VGDB #109
- Compras eStarland: 3DO, Turbografx, Nintendo DS e GameCube - Aquisições VGDB #48
- Metroid Prime - Nintendo GameCube - Mini Análise
- Oxenfree - Nintendo Switch - Mini Análise
- Trocas em jogos de Super Famicom, Neo Geo AES, Nintendo 64 e +++ - Aquisições VGDB #44
- Tilt Pak, o sensor de movimentos do Nintendo 64 - VGDB no Ar! Drops #146
- Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem - Nintendo GameCube - Mini Análise
- O que aconteceu com 007 depois do Nintendo 64? Canal Mozart ao Cubo - VGDB+ #022
- F-Zero GX - Nintendo GameCube - Mini Análise
- Cinco jogos independentes para o Nintendo Switch - Canal Syozi e os games - VGDB+ 016
- O Legado do Nintendo 64 - VGDB no Ar! Drops #131
- Super Metroid - Super Nintendo - Rapidinha VGDB #96
- Pontos FORTES do hardware do Nintendo 64 - VGDB no Ar! Drops #116
- Jogar Nintendinho no Super Nintendo. Oi?!
- ZombiU - Nintendo Wii U - Rapidinha VGDB #34
- Completando jogos de Nintendo 64 e compras na Second Spin - Aquisições #18
- A Neblina do Nintendo 64 - VGDB no Ar! Drops #101
- O Principal Problema do Nintendo 64 - VGDB no Ar! Drops #87
- Nintendo 64, seu projeto e o downgrade do lançamento - VGDB no Ar! Drops #38
- Alien 3 - Super Nintendo - Rapidinha VGDB #42
- MEGA DRIVE ou SUPER NINTENDO? Quem Ganhou a Guerra dos Consoles de 16BIT?!
- O Nintendo 64 é mesmo de 64bit? - VGDB no Ar! Drops #73
- Por que o lançamento do Nintendo 64 atrasou tanto? - VGDB no Ar! Drops #59
- Jogos de Nintendo 3DS (Zelda, Mario, Luigi e Cia.) - Aquisições VGDB #5